Many people do not know that eye problems – Presbyopia or Reading

You will probably find that by the time you reach middle age, your joints will begin to lose flexibility. But you probably won’t expect the same results for your eyesight. But unfortunately that happens. For example, your focus shifts to focusing on the writing of an article.

It is good to know that by the time you reach forty, the lens of the eye will become stiff, which will reduce the flexibility and make it easier to read short texts. This problem is called presbyopia and cannot be cured.

According to a recent survey by eye care company Alcon, doctors report that 92 percent of people aged 40 and over do not know about presbyopia, although about 99 percent have symptoms. Brenda Pagan, a clinical spokeswoman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology, said of presbyopia, “Many people do not understand what is happening in their eyes. They think something is wrong and that is normal. “

As you grow older, you lose the ability to see near objects. This is not a trivial matter. If you ignore this problem, your condition may be such that you cannot read anything or you cannot do fine work. The good news for everyone is that presbyopia can be easily diagnosed and resolved. Here is what you need to know about it.

What is presbyopia?

Presbyopia is derived from a Greek word meaning old eye. In the early 20’s, the lens of a person’s eye begins to harden. But most people feel the problem when they are in their 40’s, when they can’t read the newspaper or do sewing. The lens of the eye becomes hard until the age of 65.

You can’t avoid presbyopia even if you have no previous vision problems, although in some people the problem comes late or the symptoms are mild. If you move the food menu farther or farther away from the computer screen, you can assume that your eyes are losing flexibility.

When should treatment be taken?

Most people do not go to the doctor until this vision problem is disrupting their daily life. A common joke among ophthalmologists is that patients rush to the doctor only when their arm is too short – meaning they can no longer take their phone away to focus on the screen. But experts advise that you should visit a doctor whenever you recognize the symptoms of presbyopia. Delaying treatment for this problem puts constant pressure on the eyes. Constant pressure on the eyes can cause serious complications, making it impossible for you to read or do any other fine work. Constant pressure on the eyes can cause headaches.

Symptoms of presbyopia

If these symptoms of presbyopia appear, do not ignore them and seek medical help.

* Having trouble reading or doing fine work

* Eye strain

* Seeing something with eyes closed or one or both eyes partially closed

* Headache.

It is important to remember that certain medications (such as antidepressants, antihistamines, and diuretics) can speed up presbyopia.

* Can presbyopia be prevented?

Sadly, presbyopia cannot be prevented or reversed, meaning the lens of the eye cannot be flexed. If you are involved in sewing, reading or computer screen work, take a 10 minute break every hour to reduce eye strain. Look at a medium or distant object to rest your eyes.

* What is the best treatment for presbyopia?

There are multiple solutions to the problem of presbyopia. The most common solution is to wear glasses for reading. If you are already wearing glasses, bifocal, trifocal or progressive lenses can solve your presbyopia problem. You can also use a vision contact lens, which has two lenses attached to each eye – one lens helps with vision and the other lens helps to see nearby objects. There are also multifocal contact lenses, similar to bifocal glasses. If you are tired of using glasses and lenses, you can have refractive surgery. Presbyopia can be treated quickly and easily through surgery called corneal inlay.

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